Francis St. Holder is an educated and experienced information technology and telecommunications expert. He works at Information Technology Security and Consulting, Incorporated as its Chief Technology Officer, so security is one of his priorities. Businesses have a laundry list of security concerns, so it is important to build networks that are protected in an ironclad manner. We hear a great deal about hacking these days, and this is certainly a big part of the network security equation. Viruses and ransomware are threats as well, but there are steps that can be taken to secure systems of all sizes.
Security as it pertains to computer networks is one facet that you have to take seriously, but there are others. If you own a business of any kind, you have to be concerned about threats on the ground as well. Imagine the risk that you would be taking if you were to open a retail business. The shelves would be stocked with thousands of dollars of merchandise, and you would have a great deal of inventory in your stock areas. Plus, in a retail facility, there would always be cash on hand. The risk level would be high, so a security strategy would be essential. An individual like Francis St. Holder would be able to make sound recommendations.
If you were to run a retail business, you could have uniformed security guards deployed in plain sight. This would certainly act as a deterrent, but you would also be creating an environment that could be somewhat of a turnoff for honest shoppers. During our current technologically advanced era, there are more efficient options available to you. Security cameras can be strategically placed throughout a retail space, so you can have an eye in the sky watching everything that is taking place at all times. This can prevent shoplifting, and it can also mitigate your exposure to internal theft. Protection from legal actions is another benefit. You could review a video record of the event if a customer was to make a personal injury claim, and this would apply to workers’ compensation actions.
There is also the matter of restricted access to your place of business, and this is another security facet that someone like Francis St. Holder may discuss with concerned facility decision-makers. You have to make sure that you monitor access at your facility, and this can be done through the utilization of advanced access systems. Proximity card readers are quite popular at the present time. Entry is controlled by cards that are swiped near a reader that opens the door for approved cardholders. Biometric systems are also getting a lot of attention. These devices trigger entry through the recognition of physical characteristics like fingerprints or retinas. You can learn more about these and other security solutions for businesses if you speak with a qualified security consultant.