Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Francis St. Holder - How your Business Can Improve with IT and telecommunications

Francis St. Holder is a professional in the IT and telecommunications industry. He has worked for Information Technology Security & Counseling Inc. (ITSCI) since 2000, and is their Chief Technology Officer (CTO). He and the company he works for help several clients design, install, and maintain their network systems. As an IT professional, he understands that a well-designed network and IT system will help improve business or organization.

Information is vital in business. Companies send and receive information from their clients, suppliers, partners, and the government. In modern society, it is nearly impossible to run a business without the use of a computer, the internet, and different software programs. The day to day operations of your company or business can be seriously impacted by the quality of your IT and network. A high quality networking system that is designed by an expert can help your internet and software programs run smoothly no matter how much you use them.

Security is paramount in business. Many companies keep confidential information on their employees and their customers in their computer systems. A security breach in their network can be disastrous. The theft of confidential information can damage a business’s reputation and cause them to lose customers. A computer virus could also wipe out a business’s records, which would seriously damage its day to day operations. A network system that is designed well and secure will help protect your business and your customers. Francis St. Holder helps assess, design, and install networks for his wide array of clients.